hate to see ya go. hate to watch you leave.
Central Question: How can I represent person/spiritual storytelling/feelings/stages in my art?

Visual Strategy
I want to build on previous works and continue to developed and delve further into the tarot deck I started the last term. It is lovingly called the Trash Baby Deck. Each card was made with a specific Tarot narrative and meanings, I seriously meditated on the meanings of each card. In the work so far I have made some groundwork in the visual imagery to one day complete a full 70-80 card deck using my own symbolism as well as the core traditional associations. Each card has its own narrative that when deciphered correctly can bring insight to any question one might ask. I want to create a fully functional divination tool, that can lend its aid to practices for the greatest and highest good through means of interacting with the world beyond what Symbolists would call "the veil."
Visual inspirations: - studio ghibli
- Rider-Waite tarot deck (traditional)
-Graphic illustrative styles
- Cinematic framing/ staging
- Symbolists (late 19th century_
For research purposes I will read.
1)Discoveries- Gustav Moreau
2)Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman